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Dialog 对话框



Dialog 弹出一个对话框,适合需要定制性更大的场景。


before-close 只会在用户点击关闭按钮或者对话框的遮罩区域时被调用。 如果你在 footer 具名插槽里添加了用于关闭 Dialog 的按钮,那么可以在按钮的点击回调函数里加入 before-close 的相关逻辑。



如果需要在一个 Dialog 内部嵌套另一个 Dialog,需要使用 append-to-body 属性。




当设置 modal 属性为 false 时,请将 append-to-body 属性设置为 true,因为 Dialog 是通过 position: relative 来确定位置的。一旦移除了 modal 属性,Dialog 会基于当前的 DOM 元素来进行定位, 而不是基于 document.body,这会导致样式问题。


AttributeDescriptionTypeAccepted ValuesDefault
model-value / v-modelvisibility of Dialogboolean
titletitle of Dialog. Can also be passed with a named slot (see the following table)string
widthwidth of Dialogstring / number50%
fullscreenwhether the Dialog takes up full screenbooleanfalse
topvalue for margin-top of Dialog CSSstring15vh
modalwhether a mask is displayedbooleantrue
append-to-bodywhether to append Dialog itself to body. A nested Dialog should have this attribute set to truebooleanfalse
lock-scrollwhether scroll of body is disabled while Dialog is displayedbooleantrue
custom-classcustom class names for Dialogstring
open-delayTime(milliseconds) before opennumber0
close-delayTime(milliseconds) before closenumber0
close-on-click-modalwhether the Dialog can be closed by clicking the maskbooleantrue
close-on-press-escapewhether the Dialog can be closed by pressing ESCbooleantrue
show-closewhether to show a close buttonbooleantrue
before-closecallback before Dialog closes, and it will prevent Dialog from closingfunction(done),done is used to close the Dialog
draggableenable dragging feature for Dialogbooleanfalse
centerwhether to align the header and footer in centerbooleanfalse
destroy-on-closeDestroy elements in Dialog when closedbooleanfalse


content of Dialog
headercontent of the Dialog header
footercontent of the Dialog footer


Event NameDescriptionParameters
opentriggers when the Dialog opens
openedtriggers when the Dialog opening animation ends
closetriggers when the Dialog closes
closedtriggers when the Dialog closing animation ends
open-auto-focustriggers after Dialog opens and content focused
close-auto-focustriggers after Dialog closed and content focused

Released under the MIT License.